The Misfits Earth AD, possibly one of the greatest hardcore records ever recorded? I think so....Everyone knows how rare this is on colour vinyl and in true Glenn Danzig fashion 1000 were pressed on 4 separate colour pressings. The rundown of this is 100 on clear green, 500 on clear yellow, 200 on clear and 200 on clear purple. The one on show here is one of the 100 on clear, and even though it has a purple tint, it is still classed as a clear version!!! Another main difference with this version is the lighter purple sleeve as is shown against the more regular darker sleeve below:

Funnily enough most of these pressing are streaked due to the fact Danzig would drop colour pellets into each mix whilst visiting the record plant to witness his work being made into vinyl!!!! The Clear green tends to have black streaks, the clear yellow has red and orange streaks, the clear purple has blue and red this clear variant also has blue and red streaks. The clear pressing also comes in an actual clear (without the purple tint) vinyl and also with blue and red streaks. God help any Misfits completists!!!

Again this version is classed as clear and this picture below definitely shows that in more detail.

It's an understatement to say how rare this record is and when you do the Lins tried and tested age calculation, then you'll know that of the 200 pressing back in 83, all of 28 yes 28 years ago I doubt that number still exist, then by my calculation we have one hens teeth of a rare record here. This is why I love vinyl and collecting records so much, you just cannot recreate the aesthetics on any digital format. Mommy can I go out and kill tonight................!!!!