I had to include this ep on my blog solely for the reason that it is an excellent record from a very underated and little known straight edge band. Hailing from Florida which wasn't exactly the hub of all things edge in the late 80's Powerhouse (not to be mistaken with the 90s Oakland based tough guy band!) released via New Age Records this gem. Fast youth crew inspired core that has to be heard to be fully appreciated, I just wish a label would reissue this for the todays youth to get a chance to hear it. Thick card sleeve and a huge lyric sheet plus a dust sleeve that is stamped with the pressing info. I have seen a clear blue variant of this at some stage during my constant ebay trawling.
loved this one myself back in the day. must listen to it later as it's years since I played it. mine looks the same as your, must check the dust sleeve to see if there's a stamp as i can't recall ever seeing one.
Mel.. Let me know what version you have and if its stamped.
I have a blue vinyl one, which (I think) is first press. There were also some green too. And also a limited tour sleeve. I also have a second press, which is stamped like yours, but mine is on grey vinyl.
I'll dig mine out too, i'm sure i used to love this...
Mine is on grey vinyl, but I don't think the sleeve is stamped. I'll have to check when I get home. Another great, underratted New Age band.
i believe the grey and turquoise were the 1st pressing, turquoise being the rarer of the two.
awesome pic of all the colours. thanks
GREAT fucking record, one of the best 2nd tier youth crew joints from this time for sure!! I think one of these guys later played in Chickenhead and Cavity, weirdly enough.
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