Chain to me was the quintessential "Youth Crew" band in my formative years, I loved everything about this band, their music, their style, their coolness. Ok so there have been an abundance of rumours and stories about the flakiness of Chain dudes but one thing you cannot fault is their musical ability, which to me has always been grade A. This ep is a weird one because it's the second press of the "non rejected" Foundation Records version of WHUA ep. I'm really not sure how many were issued with this sleeve, but the ebay price of this is getting higher each year. Apparently 1000 pieces were pressed for this second press with the majority being sold to Mindpower Records (see the other WHUA ep post) and a small number being given the "Confusion" sleeve. This variant has exactly the same Foundation small glossy lyric sheet as the Mindpower press.
I remember buying the Confusion 7 inch though a mailorder distro 15 years ago. I was pretty disappointed when it arrived and I found out that it was really the same 7 inch as What Holds Us Apart, which I already owned...this was obviously before the collector nerd in me took over. ;)
yeah, I bet your disappointed now hahaha, seeing as they normally sell for over $280, and the normal foundation ep goes for about $60 - $70.
I had about a dozen copies of this version in Wisdom in 1996 when I had the little record store upstairs from the skate store. I picked them up for £5 each from Vique when she was running Revelation Europe, then sold them for £15 each which was a nice little profit at the time, haha, I wish I'd kept more than one copy now though!
I got one from Vique too. I had no idea what this was when I bought it. And I remember seeing it in Lecky's shop (after I had bought one) and thinking "Jesus christ, how can he expect anyone to pay £15 for that?".
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