Wednesday, 17 September 2008


Who would have thought that slap bass would ever be a hit on a hardcore record and I'm not talking about hardcore bands with a funk element in their sound but rather straight up slap bass on a hardcore record. Anyway this Lp has that in abundance and is used to perfection, there you go I said it! Turning Point were a classic example of a band that started out as a full on Youth Of Today worship but over time evolved into an excellent melodic hardcore outfit.

The evolution from the demo to the bands last releases was significant and produced a plethora of like minded/sounding bands thereafter. I ordered this Lp straight from New Age when it came out along with the hand print shirt back before the internet was a major ordering tool and before labels sent out your order promptly! Anyway eagerly wanting to hear this was the only thing on my mind when I sent the cash to Mike Hartsfield and his label. Fast forward 6 months later and finally my LP arrived along with my shirt, obviously by that time I had written my $25 off as being lost in transition and had planned a boycott of everything New Age! Well that was all forgotten as I realised that I had a "rare" version of the Lp. I always wondered if I had been forgotten about and that I was sent this variation as a sorry and thanks for being patient, who knows but I got lucky thats for sure! Everything about this record is immense, aggression, melody, fast tunes, great packaging and that coke bottle clear vinyl that always looks a treat!


Mike said...

ha ha....those were the days! Back when it was always a risk to send cash to a label, and always wondering if your order was going to arrive...REV, New Age/Conversion, Doghouse. I sent so many follow up letters asking where my order was. I even tracked down Dirk Doghouse's home phone number when he was at his parents house and asked him where my Split Lip 7 inch was. :)

PS. That Turning Point on clear is friggin' sweet.

Lins87 said...

Dude....that was always the case! Just this one took the longest to arrive in the post. I guess that was the order of the day for everyone rather than just me haha! I once thought my postman was stealing my mail..oh those days! haha

POI Nx16 said...

Still waiting on my TP hand print shirt...