Seven days ago I was alerted by my friend Cam that Revelation were selling reissues of Screaming and that they were on colour. I have to admit I was puzzled that a) there hadn't been a massive fanfare regarding this and b)it was Wishingwell Records that was reissuing it. Anyway I ordered and waited literally a week before my Lp arrived in record time. I was eager to see what colour the repress was going to be a much to my surprise it was on clear green. Now lets get down to the nitty gritty here and explore this in more detail. The legit and original second press of this record was also released on clear green way back in 86 with green lettering on the sleeve to match. So what do I actually have here?? Do I have one of those or a repress using the very same colours as in 86. Looking closely at an original version there really isn't that much difference other than the shade of green used on the sleeve is marginally different. The labels are again marginally different but not really enough to separate both the original and this version. However after being pointed in the direction of matrix etchings there is a difference. I'm still bemused about this record as there doesn't seem to be any significant pressing info at hand and the fact that the colours match almost identically the 86 pressing throws a a lot more questions into the mix than answers. At $11 I guess its a definite bargain though!!!!
Never Ending Game
Lins 87 Record Collecting Blog
Sunday, 1 January 2012
Seven days ago I was alerted by my friend Cam that Revelation were selling reissues of Screaming and that they were on colour. I have to admit I was puzzled that a) there hadn't been a massive fanfare regarding this and b)it was Wishingwell Records that was reissuing it. Anyway I ordered and waited literally a week before my Lp arrived in record time. I was eager to see what colour the repress was going to be a much to my surprise it was on clear green. Now lets get down to the nitty gritty here and explore this in more detail. The legit and original second press of this record was also released on clear green way back in 86 with green lettering on the sleeve to match. So what do I actually have here?? Do I have one of those or a repress using the very same colours as in 86. Looking closely at an original version there really isn't that much difference other than the shade of green used on the sleeve is marginally different. The labels are again marginally different but not really enough to separate both the original and this version. However after being pointed in the direction of matrix etchings there is a difference. I'm still bemused about this record as there doesn't seem to be any significant pressing info at hand and the fact that the colours match almost identically the 86 pressing throws a a lot more questions into the mix than answers. At $11 I guess its a definite bargain though!!!!
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Monday, 4 July 2011
Here we have the infamous Evilive 12 inch version of the same titled ep. This is another of the 1987 caroline reissues and only 2000 were pressed on clear green wax.

A very small number of these have black streaks in them and although mine doesn't it does have a number of green streaks running through it. Not sure of the significance or rarity (if any) of that but thought I'd mention it.
This recording was taken from a show they did on Broadway in San Francisco in November 81 and shows the true power of the fits in all of their glory. When I got this it was still sealed and after much b=deliberation I thought it would be a bit silly buying a colour vinyl never to open it so after near on nearly a quarter of a century it has now been opened. How old does that make this record sound hahaha!!!
A very small number of these have black streaks in them and although mine doesn't it does have a number of green streaks running through it. Not sure of the significance or rarity (if any) of that but thought I'd mention it.
This recording was taken from a show they did on Broadway in San Francisco in November 81 and shows the true power of the fits in all of their glory. When I got this it was still sealed and after much b=deliberation I thought it would be a bit silly buying a colour vinyl never to open it so after near on nearly a quarter of a century it has now been opened. How old does that make this record sound hahaha!!!
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Revelation seem to be on the downlow as far as new records are concerned and in line with their record store day release of the Youth of Today ep here is Can't Close My Eyes on two different reissue colours. First up is a red vinyl which looks like it's exactly the same colour as that record store day ep vinyl and second is the grey/purple marble vinyl which also incorporates red, blue, black and white streaks. Not 100% sure on pressing numbers but will amend this as soon as I find out. Fucking great record that needs to be owned.....dew it!!!
**update: and here is the pressing info:
2011 press : 443 red vinyl
562 purple marble vinyl
So with that in mind where the hell does my copy fit into this???
Friday, 13 May 2011
Ah Deadstop, such a great band that is sorely missed by the hc community worldwide, Belgiums answer to Antidote etc. So many good memories and trips to see these guys rip it up on stages at home and abroad. It's been a long time coming for a band to make such great music and also have that electric early 80's vibe about their shows. Fuck, I've seen them playing on a boat on the river Mersey, I've seen them absolutely tear the legendary Lintfabriek club in Belgium up on more than one occasion and also play two incredibly high energy shows in one day at Liverpool and Leeds. This is their very first self titled ep and is on red wax. Nice. It is also the third pressing of this fine slab of plastic and was re-released in 2008. Dead Stop Hooligans!!!!!
As a final note I will never ever forget seeing them play their final ever show in Belgium and then on the way home back through France we were pulled over at gun point by the French police, they asked where we had been, we told them to see Dead Fucking Stop!!...happy times!!!!
Talk Is Poison are honestly one of the most underrated and best kept secrets of the 90's hardcore circles.If you like your hardcore ragingly good and raw as fuck then this San Francisco band will tick all of the boxes. Think Discharge on speed and then some!!! This ep was released on Prank and comes on a hot pink wax. Not totally sure on numbers but I'm guessing it will not be a huge press run. Members went on to be in such household acts such as Look Back and Laugh, California Love!!!
Saturday, 16 April 2011
And RSD part 3....Youth Of Todays last recorded output on a beautiful red vinyl. Now as far as red vinyl goes this is by far the best shade I have ever seen.
Pressing info on this one is 1300 units. Probably an easy find on Ebay somewhere down the line! This is one of the surprising Rev Recs FINAL presses that somehow is now a FINAL FINAL press!! Oh well it looks great....a modern love storyyyyyyyy!!!
Part two of Record Store Day Revelation Records releases. Burn's self titled Ep that I already own on pink vinyl is now repressed on yellow. Another Rev pressing of 1000! There is a pale yellow version of this bad boy so for completists the search goes on!

Great band, exceptional drummer and excellent record!
Great band, exceptional drummer and excellent record!
Ok looks like I've got the dubious honour of posting my record store day haul first among the brethren of vinyl collectors in the UK so here goes the first post of three. When O first saw that Revelation was re-releasing a batch of records for this annual event my first thought was "please do the Warzone ep with original cover and inserts", unfortunately this hasn't materialized but I have to say I'm happy with Revs choices even though two of them technically should not have been repressed since they had FINAL presses a few years back (this one included)! Anyway here is numero uno, Quicksands self titled ep on an amazing bright blue marbled wax. I always hark back to the very first time I saw the band back in 1990 at Fowlers yard in Durham and not really knowing what to expect and then being totally blown away by how good they were. Funnily enough I'm sure Quicksands debut tour was in the UK as they were testing the response of the UK audience before unleashing themselves stateside. I guess the word groundbreaking is quite apt for this band and I'm sure as hell that they influenced countless bands that followed. To see them grow from a band that played to about 30-40 people to what they finally ended up being was incredible. Top guys and a top band.
So as far as a world record store day release this was pressed in a batch of 1000 on blue with an alleged clear blue variant out there. I waited exactly 1 hour and 15 minutes in a line of what I can only call NERDS to get these release, was it worth it? Hell yes!!! Would I do it gain, definitely...oh and Cam I'm sorry you missed out mate, good luck on Ebay though I hope you find what you're after.
Gorilla Biscuits,
Revelation Records
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
One of the 80's hardest bands, not from New York or Boston but from that other tough haven, Baltimore. Gut Instinct play like they look, hard as nails!!!! This ep was a reissue of their original that was issued way back in 1990 and was re-released in 2009 by A389 Recs out of Baltimore would you believe it! And I have to say A389 did a decent job of this.
As you can see this one is one of the 125 pre-order copies that came with this numbered 3 quarter sleeve. The vinyl is translucent purple which adds to the aesthetics of this release.
Vicious Circle Records has released a best-of compilation, featuring everything the band has released. Try and look it up, a very underated band.
Delving into the archives I stumbled upon this early 90's classic, the band that filled the void when Chain of Strength were outed as flakey edge breakers and poseurs supreme!! Now for all you readers that did not experience the heady hardcore days of the 80's the early to mid 90's proved to be a bit of a watershed of the original hardcore sound and was full of down tuned guitars, emoness (a word I may have just made up!) the world had never seen the scale of and probably never ever will again!!! For us Youth crew types it was a bleak bleak world that not even a second Biscuits UK tour or a even couple of Slapshot UK tours could save! Step forward the saviours of our scene... New Jerseys, Mouthpiece or affectionately know otherwise as "the Grease". Here we had a vibrant young band playing what we all grew up on and playing it well...damn they could easily have been a west coast late 80s youth crew band. We loved them, we bought the shirts (6 months from New Age Recs!), we bought the eps,we lapped every song and word up until....erm.... Floorpunch came along!!!!! Anyway what we have here are two distinct different versions of the same ep. The first is the light purple first press of the ep that was a press run of 500 copies, check it!
As you can see it's a strange clear light purple vinyl, looks pretty though!!!

So roll on the years to the summer of 2000 and the big news is that the grease are playing a few reunion shows. Unluckily for me I was devoid of cash so couldn't make it out for them. But luckily for me my friend did make it out and saw the Boston show that featured the likes of In My Eyes and others. For these shows New Age pressed some limited eps up and I believe they were issued with a couple of different covers. I ended up with the following limited clear yellow vinyl with collage cover.

The pressing number of this was out of 500 and I think they pretty much all sold out at those shows.

Increase the grease!!!!
As you can see it's a strange clear light purple vinyl, looks pretty though!!!
So roll on the years to the summer of 2000 and the big news is that the grease are playing a few reunion shows. Unluckily for me I was devoid of cash so couldn't make it out for them. But luckily for me my friend did make it out and saw the Boston show that featured the likes of In My Eyes and others. For these shows New Age pressed some limited eps up and I believe they were issued with a couple of different covers. I ended up with the following limited clear yellow vinyl with collage cover.
The pressing number of this was out of 500 and I think they pretty much all sold out at those shows.
Increase the grease!!!!
Sunday, 10 April 2011
The Misfits Earth AD, possibly one of the greatest hardcore records ever recorded? I think so....Everyone knows how rare this is on colour vinyl and in true Glenn Danzig fashion 1000 were pressed on 4 separate colour pressings. The rundown of this is 100 on clear green, 500 on clear yellow, 200 on clear and 200 on clear purple. The one on show here is one of the 100 on clear, and even though it has a purple tint, it is still classed as a clear version!!! Another main difference with this version is the lighter purple sleeve as is shown against the more regular darker sleeve below:
Funnily enough most of these pressing are streaked due to the fact Danzig would drop colour pellets into each mix whilst visiting the record plant to witness his work being made into vinyl!!!! The Clear green tends to have black streaks, the clear yellow has red and orange streaks, the clear purple has blue and red this clear variant also has blue and red streaks. The clear pressing also comes in an actual clear (without the purple tint) vinyl and also with blue and red streaks. God help any Misfits completists!!!
It's an understatement to say how rare this record is and when you do the Lins tried and tested age calculation, then you'll know that of the 200 pressing back in 83, all of 28 yes 28 years ago I doubt that number still exist, then by my calculation we have one hens teeth of a rare record here. This is why I love vinyl and collecting records so much, you just cannot recreate the aesthetics on any digital format. Mommy can I go out and kill tonight................!!!!
Thursday, 17 March 2011
A brand new Social Unrest, I didn't even know this was out but I have to admit to feeling a bit of trepidation when I spun this record for the first time in Beatdown Records, Newcastle. Sometimes old bands come up royally with the goods but the majority release records that are in a totally different league to past endeavors and somewhat sour past glories. Anyway I was very pleasantly surprised with this 3 song ep and how fresh it sounds.It has a very distinct californian sound but is catchy as hell and makes you want to listen to the songs over and over. The sleeve has a sticker on it that proclaims that this is the best Social Unrest release since the classic Rat In a Maze Lp and I wouldn't disagree and hopefully we'll get a full length sometime soon. The ep comes on a sickly (and I mean looks like a mixture of pink and vomit) pink wax.
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Brand new Supertouch ep and their first release in 20 years!!! Not sure if I like this record the first time I heard it but it's grown on me. Maybe it's the vocal effect that put me off,but it has a different vibe to their last release. I was gutted recently as they played a one off London show but due to the effects of a two week bout of man flu I had to cry it off. I guess my memories of their previous UK tour in the 90's will have to suffice!
I pre ordered this from Reaper Records sometime in December and Finally got my record today (Feb 10th), a full week and a half after a friend got his but who also ordered about a month after me!!! Not quite sure how that one worked out! I still don't really know what to make of the cover, quite a random pic of a lady swimming, maybe she "lost her way", I dunno!
It always used to be a bit of a bug bear how peeps would diss Supertouch for their progressive sound but would then proclaim their love for some shit indie band that was hip at the time. Maybe it was the fact that they progressed from their classic WNYU sound to the Lp and it was too much to handle. Personally I always loved Supertouch and I'm definitely giving this record a chance. Pressing info to follow.
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Everything Sucks Lp originally released in 1996 and the "comeback" lp after a long hiatus of releases. I know when I first got the cd I was full of trepidation thinking to myself that like the title this could be the "suckiest" record ever. Luckily I need mot worry because it turned out to be an absolute classic. Brilliant catchy tunes from start to finish with that bigger polished sound doing the band justice. Back to the pressing info...countless copies came on black back in 96. Fast fwd to 2010 and Epitaph decide a repress of another 1500 records is due and here we have 2 of the 500 clear and clear blue, only missing one of the 500 on white. Now roll on their first gig in the UK since 96....April 25th, London.....I cannot wait!
NB* White is now in my possession!!! yay!
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Anyone with a keen love of all things Black Flag, Bl'ast lapped this band up in no time at all. Their first record was pure flag/Bl'ast worship and then they dumped their original singer and got a new guy in who looked like he should be fronting Crass or some other anarcho crust band!!! They even up their musicianship and incorporated some Thin Lizzy hooks into the mix and et voila here we have this record. I've been lucky to see and share this stage with this band on many occasions and not once have they let me down...always awesome. Great record, but I'll have to look up the numbers pressed as I have no idea!
Thursday, 2 December 2010
If my memory serves me right this was the very last release on X Claim records and number 6 in the line. Absolutely a must have record on whatever format of raging Boston HARDcore! Seriously some of the best drumming ever on a hc release, in fact it seems like the drummer plays constant rolls and fills...incredible. Not sure how many were pressed but I can't imagine it being that many.
Had this for a while now and in my eyes another Boston Hardcore classic. Apparently there are two pressings of this here record with the main difference being the size of the letters on the labels!!! Fast and hectic, this record blazes, but unfortunately suffers due to the really thin productioN. The cover art is another classic Pushead drawing....has he ever done a bad piece of art I ask myself!
MIA (Missing In Action) were a hardcore punk band from Las Vegas forming in 1981 out of the ashes of The Swells and heavily influenced by the fledgling California Hardcore scene. This 37 song double Lp discography was released by Alternative Tentacles in 2001 and captures the 1981 - 85 time frame of this band.
Beautiful clear orange vinyl with orange swirls make this a visually great looking piece of wax, with the first 1000 coming on this colour. Sadly vocalist Mike Conley died in an accident in 2008. MIA are definitely one of those unheralded bands from the initial Hc phase that kids need to discover and check out.
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