Ah Deadstop, such a great band that is sorely missed by the hc community worldwide, Belgiums answer to Antidote etc. So many good memories and trips to see these guys rip it up on stages at home and abroad. It's been a long time coming for a band to make such great music and also have that electric early 80's vibe about their shows. Fuck, I've seen them playing on a boat on the river Mersey, I've seen them absolutely tear the legendary Lintfabriek club in Belgium up on more than one occasion and also play two incredibly high energy shows in one day at Liverpool and Leeds. This is their very first self titled ep and is on red wax. Nice. It is also the third pressing of this fine slab of plastic and was re-released in 2008. Dead Stop Hooligans!!!!!
As a final note I will never ever forget seeing them play their final ever show in Belgium and then on the way home back through France we were pulled over at gun point by the French police, they asked where we had been, we told them to see Dead Fucking Stop!!...happy times!!!!